Extracting drivers from Windows

Since about 2014 (as I write this late-2019) I started buying these incredibly low-end and low-priced Intel Atom-based devices. There was something about a device running windows and coming in under $100 that never failed to fascinate me (actually I got a non-windows Atom device for around $45, as a novelty). Let me stop here … Continue reading Extracting drivers from Windows

Folder junction, what’s your function

Classic For the record I am in fact not old enough to get that reference. The reference to the folder junction what's your function not to the Captain America meme specifically because that what's-your-function thing..is..from...a..70s...forget it. I've been planning to have my own emulation setup for a long time now. Actually made quite a lot … Continue reading Folder junction, what’s your function

Windows auto-installing: background and introduction

Note: the below was written and left in a draft state nearly six months ago. It's probably a better idea to delete it and write something from scratch. Instead, I'm just going to post it. It's a little background on my prior windows automated installation experience. Also this entirely about XP/2003. This project is indirectly … Continue reading Windows auto-installing: background and introduction

Quick and easy speed up Windows tip

This isn't definitive or complete or even necessarily long lasting. Just a quick effortless way I've found to help out the speed or snappiness of Windows without needing to install anything or local admin access. The "universal" way will work on Windows: XP, Vista, 7, 8.x and 10. On your keyboard, you would use the … Continue reading Quick and easy speed up Windows tip

Upgrading NodeJS (on Windows)

As briefly mentioned in the prior entry, the NodeJS class instructor revved the version number of his course (resetting my progress but that's more a side note). This new version of the course also switched to the latest version of node for the time: 11.0.0 (in the brief time since, NodeJS has moved to 11.1.0). … Continue reading Upgrading NodeJS (on Windows)